Dr Rita Rakus and Nick Cox Editor The Grooming Guide
Nick Cox
Dr Rakus Clinic
Pelleve Treatment
Dr Rakus Clinic

Dr Rita Rakus – Pelleve Treatment

‘One stop shop… to turn back the clock!’

I’m always on the look out for treatments that leave me feeling fresher and looking at the top of my game, and when I start to flag and my skin starts to sag I head straight to the Knightsbridge clinic of Dr Rita Rakus. Pelleve is a non-invasive procedure which uses a radio frequency system to tackle wrinkles and fine lines, and its aim is to firm up the skin and leave it feeling both smoother and tighter.

The treatment functions by building collagen in the skin. The use of heat actually makes collagen bundles within the skin contract and encourages the production of new collagen, with effects lasting for around six months. Also for needle-phobic people this is a great alternative to Botox. Men love results-driven treatments, so if I told you that clinical trials show that 90% of patients monitored showed a marked improvement in their appearance after six month period..have I got your attention?

Each session lasts for about one hour, depending on the treatment area and, for me, a course of three to four sessions was suggested at my first consultation. My treatment was, as usual, painless and also remarkably relaxing. Basically, a radio frequency handpiece was passed over my upper face until it reached the desired temperature and the whole process lasted no longer than 15 minutes. The next day my skin felt physically tighter and brighter and after a course of three treatments, friends and colleagues commented on my fresher and more rested appearance. Personally, I noticed improved skin elasticity and a marked reduction in both my lines and wrinkles.

What I particularly relish about the man friendly non-invasive treatments that Dr Raukus offers is that there is no need for aesthetic, downtime or any period of recovery. For Dr Rakus, aftercare is not an afterthought, and her team always provide clear information on how to look after the skin in the days and weeks following treatment. The use of a good quality protective sunblock and avoiding extreme heat/cold were suggested as well as information on the appropriate skincare to help maximise and maintain my results.

Tester: Nick Cox, Editor of The Grooming Guide
Verdict: ‘don’t act your age..or look it!’
Price: From £600.00 per session

Available: www.drritarakus.com Telephone: 020 7460 7324

1. Dr Rita Rakus and Nick Cox Editor The Grooming Guide

2. Nick Cox

3. Dr Rakus Clinic

4. Pelleve Treatment

5. Dr Rakus Clinic

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